Change Supercharged. Motivate with Creativity and Authenticity, with Sharon Connolly
Mar 07, 2024
In the ever-shifting landscape of our world, the ability to adapt and embrace change is not just a skill but a superpower that can define and determine your success and impact.
No-one knows that better than my guest on episode 30 of the Classroom 5.0 podcast, Sharon Connolly - AKA the Change Superhero.
A distinguished Change Manager and communications and training professional, today, Sharon is renowned for her expertise in steering organisations through transformative change with clarity, authenticity and a dash of unicorn dust.
Sharon's influence goes far beyond the sparkle and sequins she brings to her digital and in-person trainings (though they certainly don't hurt). Her impact has been recognised by companies including Microsoft, and her compelling presentation abilities are backed by significant media experience, including appearances on UK Channel 4, BBC News, and Channel News Asia.
But ask Sharon, and she'll tell you her transformation into change management training and leadership was as spontaneous as it was sparkly...
"I was working at Commonwealth Bank Australia in a regulatory financial compliance project, which is so far away from the person that I am. And as I was getting a little bit older, it struck me that it might get more difficult to get my next role, that it might be a little bit competitive out there. So I need people to know who I am and what I stand for."
Sharon started becoming more active on LinkedIn, sharing her unique skills and strengths in turning tech-based insights into beautiful posts that could support everyday people in their change communication. The one post in particular went viral, and she doubled down on getting to understand, leverage and share her unique magic.
In this conversation, Sharon shares practical strategies and self-coaching questions that will help you to explore how you can carve a place to share your own unique influence, and create change for good.
This episode is jam packed with insights and practical communication and presentation tips to support you in your efforts to educate and engage learners of all ages and walks of life.
We discuss:
- What has and hasn’t changed over the past three decades in the world of tech, and how change impacts our communication strategies
The role of authenticity in communications and thought leadership
Uncovering your personal purpose and defining your unique value proposition so you can stand out and deliver your message and create change for good
How to harness the power of task and project prioritisation to improve your workflow, productivity, and ultimately performance outcomes (especially helpful for those of us with ADHD!)
What is a change manager? Unpacking the day to day roles and responsibilities of people like Sharon
The consequences of not supporting people, be them family, students, customers or community, through stages of change
Practical communication and presentation strategies that result in greater learner engagement
The importance of amplifying women of all ages, improving visibility of women over 50, and raising awareness of menopause at work
Why leaning into and leveraging our immediate spheres of influence is important for creating significant impact
Over three decades, Sharon has witnessed the ebb and flow of technological advancements and their impact on how we communicate and manage change. I learned a lot from her perspective on what has and hasn't changed, and am confident her insights will offer you invaluable lessons on adapting your communication and change strategies to meet the evolving needs of your learners, be them in schools, online communities or workplaces.
This is a go-to conversation for anyone wanting to increase their self-confidence, improve their communication strategies, and find their voice to create inclusive impact.
And for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless need to learn and incorporate technology changes in their workflow, Sharon shares a reassuring message:
"What we do today and what I did in 1993 is actually not that different. Which is very interesting and I think comforting for people who feel that they are always a little bit behind with, oh, I've got to have the latest technology.
You don't. Webinars, personal presentations, all of this is all about the connection with the audience. And actually the technology is secondary. It's about how do you and your audience connect and get your message across."
Coaching questions shared in this episode, to help you explore your own impact possibilities:
~ How are you gonna stand out?
~ What is your unique message?
~ What is your unique point of view?
~ Who is it, specifically, that you want to speak to, influence and support?
~ If you have different persona types you want to serve, how can you get to know them so well that you can communicate directly to their unique needs?
~ How and where do you feel you can communicate in your most authentic voice?
In a world that encourages us to be everywhere online and to serve everyone, Sharon's success is proof of the power that comes from getting to know and doubling down on your own unique value.
And when it comes to crafting and living a meaningful life, Sharon has this to say:
“In order to have a meaningful life, the coaches out there will probably thank me for saying that first of all, you have to determine what your values are. So for one person, that might mean quality time spent with their family, providing for their children, (or maybe it's) fighting climate change.
So living a quality life is being true to your values. And that first of all requires you to understand what your values are now, because they may change. So it's just really - what feeds me, what feeds my soul, what makes me happy NOW. And that's not necessarily what made you happy 10 years ago. Continually evaluate - what are my values now, and is what I'm doing feeding those values".
- Listen to the full episode here, or by clicking on the images in this post.
- Read "Stolen Focus" by Johann Hari, recommended by Sharon Connolly here (and for anyone interested, yes I WILL be doing as I promised in this episode and reading myself - watch this space for my feedback on how this piece relates to different neurotypes, including ADHD)
- Connect with Sharon via LinkedIn here, and on her website here
- To learn more about Messy Magic, an online program supporting women with ADHD, click here
- To discover how The Posify Group can support your school or workplace in achieving its diversity and inclusion learning and development goals, visit, or email [email protected]
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