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#44 NeuroPEAK Series - From Burnout to Breakthrough: Unlocking Neurodivergent Potential, with Mike Knapp

adhd entrepreneurship podcast classroom 5.0 Sep 20, 2024

Welcome to Series 5 of Classroom 5.0, NeuroPEAK, where I’m sitting down with visionary leaders to reveal the strategies and strengths that power peak performance in neurodivergent professionals.

My guest today, Mike Knapp, has one of those brilliant brains where ideas flow naturally and effortlessly, and a character whose default position oozes kindness. An ex-Google innovator turned founder and director of Shoes of Prey, Mike recently shared publicly his journey of burnout that led to the discovery of his neurodivergent identity (AuDHD). 

Listen to the episode here

In our conversation, Mike offers invaluable insights both from his lived experience on what it’s like to uncover neurodivergence as an adult, and professional leadership expertise on what it takes to build an inclusive, creative culture that fosters innovation.

Discovering Neurodivergence Through Burnout

Mike’s journey toward understanding his neurodivergent identity began after hitting a wall. Years of working in high-demand tech environments at Google, combined with the intensity of being a product manager with back to back zoom calls during COVID-19, led to a period of burnout.

Like many professionals in fast-paced industries, Mike initially chalked it up to the job, thinking he just needed to push harder. But when a psychologist suggested he explore ADHD and Autism, the penny dropped. 

"One of the biggest shifts for me was realising that what drained me wasn’t the work itself, but the way it was structured. My brain doesn’t do well with constant interruptions or long meetings, and I was burning out without knowing why."

The diagnosis that followed changed how he saw himself—and his work.

During our conversation, Mike shared how understanding his brain’s unique wiring allowed him to reframe his past experiences, both the successes and the struggles. What he once saw as challenges, such as difficulty focusing in long meetings or constant mental fatigue, he's since become to view as indicators of how his brain is built differently.

Throughout our conversation, Mike highlighted the importance of understanding how neurodivergent minds operate in the workplace. He emphasised that while neurodivergent individuals often bring unmatched creativity, they can also be at higher risk of psychological vulnerability if the environment doesn’t support their needs and differences.

This insight is particularly critical for tech companies, where creativity and innovation are prized, but the fast-paced culture can overlook the unique challenges neurodivergent employees face.

Strengths in Creativity and Innovation 

Neurodivergent individuals have an incredible capacity for innovation because they approach problems from a different angle. This ability to break from conventional thinking is one of our greatest strengths.

Mike spoke to this, sharing how his ability to think outside the box led to groundbreaking contributions during his time at Google, including the now-famous Gmail attachment reminder feature. Later, he co-founded Shoes of Prey, a custom shoe company that challenged the traditional retail model by letting customers design their own shoes.

However, to harness this potential, workplaces need to be designed to support—not stifle—creativity.

During the podcast, we delved into how traditional workplace structures, like rigid meeting schedules and open-plan offices, can actually hinder neurodivergent creativity. On the flipside, Mike shared how when he was able to work more flexibly—taking breaks when needed, focusing deeply on tasks without interruptions, and working asynchronously—he found himself in a state of flow. This is where his best ideas surfaced.

Looking ahead, Mike hopes more companies will see neurodiversity as a strength, not a challenge.

“We need to stop seeing neurodivergence as a challenge to be overcome and start seeing it as a strength to be embraced. The more we understand our own brains, the more we can shape the world around us in ways that help everyone thrive." 

Listen to the full episode here : 

Links to Resources Discussed: 

  • Read Mike’s story of late diagnosis, as written by him, here 
  • Read more about the links between neurodiversity and gut health here 
  • Listen and watch “Lessons From a Failed Startup”, where Mike shares what he learned about what it takes to shape an inclusive, innovative culture during his time at Shoes of Prey here 
  • Read “Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable” by Seth Godin here 
  • Read “Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect”, by Will Guidara here
  • Read “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, by Patrick M. Lencioni here
  • Connect with Mike via his website here 

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of Classroom 5.0.

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